Whilst moving abroad is great fun, an exciting and wonderful adventure or a fulfillment of your dreams it also has its drawbacks. As a former expat myself when I ventured off into a world full of difference and diversity I thought that I had everything covered! On the whole I pretty much did but there were still a lot of adjustments to be made and it was a both an amazing and challenging experience. Adjusting to a new culture takes time and there is a huge difference between taking a 6 week holiday in your favourite area and actually moving to live there.
Adjusting to your new life is more than just about moving into a new house, registering with a doctor and finding work. It can also bring about a stressful environment due to simple decision-making i.e. whether to have VPN/DNS or not and how to find an electrician, which bank account to use or finding that your medical card isn't valid. Then there are added stresses such as feeling isolated and creating a social network, being culturally accepted, adjusting to a new work environment and work colleagues and perhaps dealing with feelings of separation from those you have left behind or feeling the pressure to succeed.
Some stress and anxiety is good as it helps to deal with situations however when it becomes more chronic it can have an effect on your mental health creating low self-esteem and confidence as well as having an impact on your physical body.
Maybe you feel ready to engage with a counsellor who can empathize and understand some of the issues you are facing in your expat life and if so you can contact me to arrange online counselling. My email address is juliekuhn.counsellingforyou@gmail.com or telephone my UK mobile number +447478754839
I look forward to working with you.
Julie Kuhn – Counselling for you to balance your life
Twitter: @counsellor894