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Julie Kuhn
2 min read
The Take-Away Dilemma: Resolving the Overwhelm
It's supposed to be simple isn’t it? A chilled get together with your friends having a good old chat and a laugh over a takeaway?...
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
Reduce Overcommitting During the Christmas Season: Your Guide to Setting Boundaries and Preserving Your Peace!
The Christmas season is a time meant for pleasure, fun and connection—but, as I’ve often found, it can also bring stress, overwhelm, and...
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Julie Kuhn
5 min read
Keeping a Creative Art Journal Practice
You know the kind of journalling where you pour your heart out onto the page, all your thoughts, feelings, and worries in ink  - well...
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
Boost your Self-Worth: Simple Strategies for Lasting Confidence
some strategies to help you boost your self-worth and keep that confidence soaring high.
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Julie Kuhn
8 min read
Beyond the Button: Journey Through Your Emotional Triggers
Have you ever found yourself suddenly feeling overwhelmed by a rush of emotions and sensations that seem like they just appeared out of...
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Julie Kuhn
4 min read
Unlocking the Depths of the Night through Journaling
A Journey Through Dream Interpretation I've been having so many dreams lately!! It's as if my mind has decided to embark on a nightly...
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
Glimmers: Finding Joy and Resilience in Everyday Moments
I don’t know about you but I find that in the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it can be all too easy to become consumed by stress,...
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
The Symphony of Self-Love Languages - Nurturing Your Relationship with Yourself
In the fast-paced world we live in, finding time to focus on ourselves can often feel like a distant dream. But what if I told you that...
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Julie Kuhn
2 min read
5 steps to boost your mental health through journalling
In case you don’t know already, I am somebody who likes to journal. I have lots of different types of journals which include an online...
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
Reduce stress and feel happier in your daily life
Are you feeling stressed out lately? You're not alone! I’ve struggled with feeling stressed over the years and found that it is a common...
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Julie Kuhn
2 min read
Morning anxiety is a thing!
Yes, people do wake up feeling anxious about their anxiety and have feelings of worry and panic and dread facing the day. Not everyone...
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Julie Kuhn
2 min read
An amazing approach which helps you, the client, to make sense of thoughts, feelings and experiences when words are not enough
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Julie Kuhn
4 min read
8 Ideas to help Reduce Anxiety & Depression
This can take both your mind and body off of high alert and can give them the opportunity to take a break.
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
Of course it’s normal to have some worry and concern about people, things and situations in your life but when worry starts to take over,...
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
5 Ideas to Help Reduce Perfectionism
I have gradually integrated strategies which have helped me to be more relaxed and less stressful about what needs to be done and how well i
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Julie Kuhn
2 min read
The Imperfect Journal! - Let's reduce stress & anxiety by simplifying January!
This is the last blog in the January series of making stuff simple and it’s all about creating the imperfect journal For those of you...
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Julie Kuhn
2 min read
Expectations -v- Needs and Wants - Let's reduce stress & anxiety by simplifying January!
The quick and simple response to this is to...
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Julie Kuhn
2 min read
Decluttering - Let's Reduce Stress & Anxiety by Simplifying January!
This is a short blog as the aim is to keep all this stuff simple!
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Julie Kuhn
3 min read
Resolutions - Let's reduce stress & anxiety by simplifying January!
The whole point is to keep it simple and enjoyable with less stress and anxiety.
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Julie Kuhn
4 min read
5 Ways To Ground Yourself
Whether you’re struggling with anxiety and stress, dealing with depression or going through the stages of grief and loss grounding can help.
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